Your space for all things teacher lifestyle, selfcare, and classroom inspiration.

Being an educator is more than just a career - it's truly a way of life. Here at My Brain Squeeze, we know the journey can be filled with joy and challenges, creativity and structure, energy and rest.

As educators, we know that setting a good foundation can determine the way your classroom runs. But sometimes, after a long weekend, a holiday break, or testing periods, coming back can be difficult. But, its never too late to reset; for yourself and for your students. Our mission is to support thriving educators both in and out of the classroom.



Phonological Awareness




Teacher Lifestyle

Discover tips on organizing your life as an educator, balancing personal wellness, and making time for what matters most. From time-saving hacks to self-care practices, our teacher lifestyle content is here to help you create a healthy, fulfilling routine that works for you.

Wellness & Selfcare

Teaching is giving profession, but it's essential to pour back into yourself too. Explore wellness guides, mental health resources, and self-care tips designed to support your unique needs as an educator. Learn how small, consistent self-care habits can help you stay grounded, energized, and ready to make a difference.

Educational Resources

Our educational resources are designed to support you in creating a positive, engaging learning environment. Here, you'll find resources for literacy, phonics, ESL, classroom management, and more! Whether you're looking for a fresh lesson plan idea or practical tips for reaching diverse learners, we've got you covered.

Professional Growth

The best teacher never stop learning! Our professional growth section offers articles on building skills, adopting innovative practices, and staying current in education trends. From quick professional development tips to in-depth reflections on growth, this section is your go-to for elevating your teaching.